Whether a few weeks or a few months long, a break from instruction can cause a disruption in student behaviors, routine, and performance – but it doesn’t have to. Instead, it can provide an opportunity to revisit and refine behaviors that result in enhanced performance with improved outcomes. Using the 10 Steps to Teaching and Learning Independence as your process, and your conferring notebook to keep track of student information, your class will be back on track quickly.

  1. Teach a review lesson on good-fit books and have students spend time with the books in their book box to go through I PICK and determine if they are good-fit books. Provide an opportunity for students to share with a partner or the class.
  2. Review the Independent Learning I-chart. Include student modeling for examples and non-examples (always ending with the correct example), and give students a chance to practice engagement again. We typically spend one or two days reviewing and rebuilding our engagement behaviors. During these few days we focus solely on Independent Learning with Collaborative Learning being added shortly after.
  3. As students are working on engagement, observe and note any concerns that may get in the way of their success. Pay close attention to the behaviors on the I-chart.
    • Did they get started right away?
    • Are they reading the whole time (eyes on text)?
    • Are they staying in one spot?

If you notice an area where a student would benefit from focused guidance and support, sit down next to the child and set a behavior goal. Keep track of this information in your conferring notebook and check in with the child regularly.

Helpful hints:

  • Make time for student sharing at some point during the day.
  • Graph engagement for a few days so students can visualize their progress.
  • Children thrive when we see high potential. Teach from a place of great expectation and then encourage students as they meet and exceed their goals.
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