Brain breaks provide a physical, emotional, or cognitive shift for learners. This allows them to reset and refocus so they can continue with focused instruction. Here are some brain break ideas for in-person or virtual instruction:
- Music - Play or sing a short song.
- Dance - Have a 30 second dance break where students stand and get their wiggles out.
- Stretching or short exercise - Reach for the ceiling, touch your toes, twist side to side, jumping jacks, march in place, high knees, toe raises, squats, jump, etc.
- Breathing exercises - Deep breath, hold for five seconds, release.
- Gratitude - Have students share one thing for which they are thankful.
- Wave - Start the wave and have it ripple through the class. (This will need to be taught ahead of time so they know what to expect when you start it.)
- Sign language - Teach your students the alphabet in sign language and have them stand and sign the ABC's as a cognitive and kinesthetic shift.
- Doodle - Play music for 1-2 minutes and give students an opportunity to doodle on a sheet of paper.
- Jokes - Provide an chance for students to laugh! They can share jokes of their own or you may choose to read from a joke book.
- Mirror - Have students mirror the body actions or facial expressions of the leader.
- Emotion - Give students an emotion and 15 seconds of think time. Then, have them finish the sentence that goes with an emotion. Example: I am (happy, nervous, sad, excited, quiet, etc.) when ....
- Class promise or mantra - Create together at another time and add actions. Say (and perform) the mantra as a brain break during the day.