Objective: Students will practice place value, addition, and subtraction using candy conversation hearts to represent ones and tens.
Materials Needed:

- Base 10 frames (printable or reusable)
- Candy conversation hearts
- Dry-erase markers (if laminated frames are used)
- Number cards (or dice to generate numbers)
- Provide each student or group with a base 10 frame, a small bag of candy conversation hearts, and a set of number cards or dice.
- Build the Number: Draw or roll a two-digit number (e.g., 27).
- Students use the conversation hearts to represent the number on the base 10 frame:
- Tens place: Fill rows of 10 hearts in the tens section.
- Ones place: Place individual hearts in the ones section.
- Decompose and Recompose
- Have students decompose the number into tens and ones. For example:
- "27 = 2 tens + 7 ones."
- Then, challenge them to recompose the number by adding or subtracting:
- Add 3 hearts to reach the next ten. Ask, "What’s the new number?"
- Have students decompose the number into tens and ones. For example:
- Compare Numbers
- Generate two numbers (e.g. 34 and 29)
- Have students build both numbers on their base 10 frames and then visually compare:
- Which is greater?
- How many more hearts does the larger number have?
- Practice Addition and Subtraction
- Ask students to add or subtract numbers using their hearts. For example:
- "Start with 15 hearts. Add 12 more. What’s the total?"
- "You have 26 hearts. Take away 14. How many are left?"
Extension Activity:
- Challenge students to group hearts into tens and ones to make higher numbers or even three-digit numbers (for advanced learners).
- Have them trade 10 individual hearts for 1 "ten" row to reinforce the concept of regrouping.
- Discuss how the base 10 frames helped them visualize the numbers and solve problems.
- Students can snack on their hearts at the end or use them for another activity!