One of our go-to relationship-building activities throughout the year is what we call the I-PICK Book Talk. At the beginning of the year we teach students how to select a good-fit book using the acronym I PICK.
I—I select a book.
P—Purpose. Why do I want to read it?
I—Interest. Does it interest me?
C—Comprehend. Do I understand what I am reading?
K—Know the words. Do I know most of the words?
When students can answer all of these questions about a book, they can feel confident they have selected one that is a good fit.
Teaching students to choose a good-fit book is a great life skill, but what does this have to do with building relationships? Well, throughout the year when we have a few minutes here and there during the day, we select a student to grab a book from their book box and share with the class how it fits the I-PICK method of choosing a book.
The student shows the book and shares each component of the I-PICK acronym and how the book is a good fit for them. This activity has two benefits. First, it keeps I PICK fresh in their mind so that choosing a good-fit book becomes second nature to them, and second, through their response, the whole class learns more about the student who is sharing. It works great!
To help students remember I PICK, use the bookmarks or poster below.