I saw a sign on a kindergarten door once that said, "Teaching kindergarten is like trying to organize earthworms." Well, I wish my classroom was down the hall from Trish Prentice. I would spend every one of my breaks in her room, soaking up the language, tone of voice, and actions she uses with her students. Even the most subtle movements reinforce and teach.

Trish is a master at organizing earthworms. She has graciously volunteered to record her reflections on teaching Daily 5 during the first weeks of school. This peek into the launching of routines and expectations in a kindergarten class is priceless, and we are so grateful for her thoughtful sharing.

A parent sent this picture to Trish at the end of the first week with a note that said

How do you know it was a great first week? When you find a 'Prentice Puppy' curled up in a chair sound asleep at 7:30. She is loving kindergarten and can't wait until Monday. Thank you for a great first week and many more to come!

Trish invites us all into her classroom via her reflections on the first month of school. We think you'll appreciate her honesty, humor, and her thoughts regardless of the grade level you teach.

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Week One
Week Two
Weeks Four and Five
Week Three
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