We are often asked how we hold students accountable. It comes with calm, respectful, focused conversations like this one. Watch Pam Pogson and Connor (grade six) as they discuss his reading and behavior goals.
Listen and Watch
- Watch and listen how Pam starts with academics. Connor has not followed up on his assignment, which was to record what he understood about his reading.
- Pam addresses his success with staying in one spot and reading the whole time, and anchors back to reading.
- Write down the questions Pam asks and the language she uses. What do you notice? We appreciate the respect that comes through in her tone of voice and her kind and direct questions.
- Watch Connor's body language: the tilt of his head, his smile when he talks. We look to these clues as evidence of the trust that has been built between teacher and student.
- As Connor leaves to start his work, Gail joins Pam to debrief the conference. Pam reflects on what she knows about Connor and how she plans to support him.
- What actions might you begin to put into your practice when conferring with a student?
- Which of your students would benefit from a meeting and from setting goals for their reading behavior?