To use a reading log or not to use a reading log? This is a question that resurfaces a few times a year with teachers typically passionate for their reasons to use them or not use them. And there lies the answer to the question - if you have a purpose and reason for using reading logs, then absolutely, use them. And, if they are just one more thing for students to fill out that will not inform instruction or prove purposeful, then it is time to rethink their use.

With my 2nd grade class I have found a variety of logs to work, depending on the student and the purpose. I have logs for minutes read, chapters read, and books read. And, you could have them for just about any goal you set. When a student meets the criteria, they color in one object. Then, when I go confer with students I use their sheet to help direct the conversation. For example, if Henry has colored in three objects on this chapter log, I ask him what book he is reading and we talk about what happened in the three chapters he has read. When I confer with Chantel, I might see she has colored in two objects, which means she has completed two picture books, and we talk about the books she read and what she thought of them.

I have found that with my current group of students it has helped with accountability for the time they spend reading and gives us a starting point when I confer with them.

Here you will find a few goal specific logs you can use, along with a general one that allows you to select the goal. Then, each month we will add some seasonal themed logs you may wish to use.

Book Logs
Chapter Logs
Provide Your Own Directions Logs

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