During the school year, students have many opportunities to share the books they are reading. Through a number of different ways, they discuss characters and plot lines, ask questions, and provide recommendations for some of their choice books. During summer, losing these opportunities doesn't have to be keenly felt, because technology makes it possible for students to stay in touch and discuss what they are reading all season long. Here are a few ideas:
- Google Docs—Create a shared Google Doc where students can record books they are reading, along with a brief summary/recommendation and rating. This becomes a valuable resource when visiting the library or bookstore because they'll have a list of peer-recommended books to choose from.
- SeeSaw—If your class uses the SeeSaw app during the year, continue its use over the summer.
- Classroom Blog—Many blog sites are available that include a discussion board for students to participate in. A weekly post could also prompt students to share their latest read.
- Biblionasium—This site is known as the Goodreads site for kids.
When we read a good book, we often want to share with others, talk about the book, and find similar books to read. We value the importance of this sharing and create time for it during the school day. Isn't it great that we now have a chance to extend the opportunity to share when school isn't in session?