Whether it's writing report card comments, an engaging story lead, or anecdotal notes, sometimes all we need is a mentor text or a bit of scaffolding. We certainly know how that feels and are happy to oblige!

Here are some sample conferring pages for you to use as a starting point:

  1. This First Conferring Sheet utilizes our Reading Conferring Sheet with Icons and coincides with our Instruction Protocol outline to help guide a one-on-one conference. In this first sample, you will notice there is a lot of writing. This is done for your learning purposes so you can see what we were thinking about.
  2. This Second Conferring Sheet shows data for the same student. It utilizes the same Conferring Sheet with Icons, however, it is much more reflective of our day-to-day writing—short and brief.
  3. The Third Conferring Sheet follows the same protocol used in Coaching Toward a Target, however this sheet has no icons. Again you will notice the brevity of the writing.

For many of you, the paper conferring notebook has become the heart and soul of your conferring. If you are more comfortable with typing your anecdotal notes, you might like to check out our online Conferring Notebook.

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Reading Conferring Sheet
Conferring Sheet with Icons (Sample)
Reading Conferring Sheet (Sample)
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