
Reviewing strategies used during a read-aloud can be done in any grade with any text. Whether the teacher shares by making their metacognitive process transparent, or students share what they noticed, the review helps reinforce and anchor the learning we want students to maintain in their own reading.

Listen and Watch

  • How many strategies do these kindergartners in Trish Prentice's class identify from her reading of How Rocket Learned to Read?
  • What evidence do you see of the positive relationships Trish has built with her students?


  • Trish has high expectations for her students. What surprised you about these young learners?
  • How might the idea behind this follow-up work with your students?

Essential Element

CAFE Framework: 1.1 Build relationships: trust and respect
CAFE Instructional Method: Use instructional practices to scaffold learning
CAFE Menu: 6.2 Classroom CAFE Menu as instructional tool

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