GenreStudent identified the correct genre and verbalized why they selected that genre.Student identified the correct genre.Student identified a genre but not the correct one.Student identified no genre.
CharactersStudent accurately identified the main characters of the text and verbalized why they were the main characters.Student accurately identified the main characters of the text.Student identified characters from text, but included characters that were not main characters.Student identified no characters.
SettingStudent accurately identified the setting of the text, including when and where the story took place.Student identified either the when or where of the story, but not both.Student identified an incorrect setting.Student identified no setting.
PlotStudent accurately identified important events from the story in the correct sequence.Student identified important events from the story.Student identified some events from the story, but left important events out.Student identified no events from the story.
Problem/ResolutionStudent accurately described the main problem and resolution of the story.Student described a problem and resolution of the story.Student described either the problem or resolution of the story, but not both.Student identified no problem or resolution from the story.
ThemeStudent accurately identified and described the theme of the story.Student accurately identified the theme of the story.Student identified a theme, but was not accurate.Student identified no theme.