Use Prior Knowledge and ContextThe student successfully identifies context clues when they are present and uses prior knowledge to predict the meanings of words. The student can tell what type of context clue is available (synonym, definition, example, contrast, or inference).The student successfully identifies context clues when they are present and uses prior knowledge to predict the meanings of words.The student is beginning to find one or two types of context clues, but is not proficient at finding all types. The student may or may not be able to predict the meaning of the word.The student does not identify context clues or use prior knowledge to predict the meanings of words.
Confirm MeaningThe student always looks back to confirm the meaning of the term.The student looks back to confirm the meaning of the term.The student occasionally looks back to confirm the meaning of the term.The student does not attempt to confirm the meaning of the term.
* These are possible assessment options for this strategy, however many options exist. Be mindful of your students and what will best serve their needs.