Make and adjust mental images; use
text to confirm
I can . . .
- make a picture or mental image in my head that reflects what I have read.
- change my picture or mental image based on the clues the author gives me.
- make a picture or mental image of
- the characters
- the setting
- the action in a fiction text.
- make a picture or mental image of
- the subject
- what I am learning
Make and adjust mental images; use
text to confirm
I can . . .
- make a picture or mental image in my head that reflects what I have read.
- change my picture or mental image based on the clues the author gives me.
- make a picture or mental image of
- the characters
- the setting
- the action in a fiction text.
- make a picture or mental image of
- the subject
- what I am learning
Make and adjust mental images; use
text to confirm
I can . . .
- make a picture or mental image in my head that reflects what I have read.
- change my picture or mental image based on the clues the author gives me.
- make a picture or mental image of
- the characters
- the setting
- the action in a fiction text.
- make a picture or mental image of
- the subject
- what I am learning