Readers become more fluent by increasing their reading volume.
If you see readers who . . .
Most readers develop fluent reading normally with little instructional guidance. Allington (2009a) believes that children who come to school having heard hours and hours of reading become fluent readers naturally unless “something in the classroom instruction interferes.” His research leads him to conclude that the “volume of reading matters critically in the development of fluent, proficient readers” (100).
Students must choose to read books that are a good fit, and they must increase the amount of time they read each day.
Reading voraciously is found under each goal area on the CAFE Menu. The same principles for teaching this strategy hold true in all goal areas. In this case readers need to spend a tremendous amount of time reading to increase their fluency. Our language for introducing Read Voraciously changes slightly, depending on the goal.
Create a whole class of students who see the value and joy in reading and are motivated to read by
Suggested language:
Possible ways to differentiate instruction:
Reconsider materials, setting, instruction, and cognitive processes.
These strategies may provide support before, during, and after teaching this strategy: