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Set purpose for reading

Readers increase their focus, engagement, and comprehension when they decide why they are reading the text.


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Readers increase their focus, engagement, and comprehension when they decide why they are reading the text.

When to teach this strategy

If you see readers who . . .

  • rush through the text or skip over key elements of what they are reading.
  • have a difficult time choosing to read or even choosing a book.
  • struggle to stay with a book.

Why we teach it

Readers who know why they are reading and what they want to get from the text are more active and engaged.

Secret to success

Before you start reading, you need to look at the text and think, Why am I reading this? Is it for fun? To learn something new? To meet a need? Once you know this, you can determine how to approach the text.

How we teach it

We bring in different reading material and model how reading changes as the purpose and text change.

Your purpose for reading will usually be one or more of the following:

  • to gain information
  • to learn how to do something
  • to solve a problem
  • to form an opinion
  • to be entertained

Knowing the purpose can also help you decide what you want to read. For example, when you're reading for pleasure or to be entertained, you will read more quickly and be focused on fun, but if you're reading for new ideas, you most likely need to slow down and read more carefully, slowly, and deliberately.

Suggested language:

  • What do you like to read about?
  • What adjustments will you make when reading this text?
  • What can you expect to learn from this book?
  • What do you already know about this text or topic?
  • Ask yourself questions while you are reading to stay engaged.

Instructional Pivots

Possible ways to differentiate instruction:

  • Ask students to state their purpose for reading each time before they begin reading.
  • Have student write their purpose down and reflect to see if they have to change their approach while reading.
  • Discuss with students how it is helping them stick with a book and/or accomplish more reading.
  • Discuss the link between the author's purpose and Set a Purpose for Reading.

Reconsider materials, setting, instruction, and cognitive processes.

Partner Strategies

These strategies may provide support before, during, and after teaching this strategy:

  • Determine and Analyze Author's Purpose and Support with Text
  • Read Voraciously
  • Use Prior Knowledge to Predict and Connect with Text

Common Core Alignment



How to introduce this strategy

From Hadley’s Perspective aka Kid Teacher

Want to hear about this strategy from a student's perspective? Let Kid Teacher, Miss Hadley, tell you—in her own words—how this strategy helps her grow as a reader. We think it will help your students too!

From Gail's Perspective

In this video, Gail introduces the strategy. Share this with your class, and then continue instruction with a text and content that meets the needs of your students and your grade level standards.


Articles That Support This Strategy


Books with Lessons to Help Teach This Strategy

Each book below has a coordinating lesson with an explicit example to teach this strategy. Select a book cover below, then download the lesson to see for yourself. At The Daily CAFE these were called Lit Lessons.