Try a different sound
Readers use their knowledge of letter sounds to decode words. When one sound doesn’t work, trying another sound that letter represents can help to decode the word.
Readers use their knowledge of letter sounds to decode words. When one sound doesn’t work, trying another sound that letter represents can help to decode the word.
If you see readers who . . .
Many words in the English language don’t follow conventional phonics rules. Some letters represent more than one sound. For example, the sound y makes in fly and the sound it makes in yes, or the a in hat and hate. Learning various patterns is key in the decoding process, and knowing the various sounds to try can help too, when predictable phonics skills fall short.
When you notice a word doesn’t sound right or make sense, you have to look at the letters in the word and see if any of them represent a pattern or have more than one sound.
We model this with the class during a read-aloud.
Class, today in our read-aloud I tried an Accuracy strategy when I came to a word that didn’t make sense. I read the word drope. I immediately thought, Wow, that doesn’t make sense—I have never heard that word before, so I used the strategy Try a Different Sound. I know the o can make more than one sound; it also makes an ah sound. So I tried it again, this time saying the word with that sound: drop. I then went back and read the sentence again to see if the word drop made sense: I watched a drop of water slide down the glass. I thought, Yes, that is it, that makes sense. I see there is no e after the p and therefore the o is the short-o sound.
It really helps to know the different sounds letters or letter combinations represent.
Suggested Language
This strategy works particularly well with vowel sounds of a, e, i, o, and u, along with the consonants of c, g, and y, since all of these letters represent more than one sound.
Also consider differentiating materials, setting, instructional practices, and cognitive process.
These strategies may provide support before, during, and after teaching this strategy:
Each book below has a coordinating lesson with an explicit example to teach this strategy. Select a book cover below, then download the lesson to see for yourself. At The Daily CAFE these were called Lit Lessons.