Our tip of the week comes from Allison Behne. "I am smiling now because it is Sunday night and I have had 2 days to get over this and calm down. HOWEVER, I thought I'd pass along a heads up so this doesn't happen to anyone else."

Allison's students have access to special magnets which are used in their word work area. During an indoor recess, one of the naive kindergarteners held a magnet up to the computer screen, which ruined it permanently. Allison was understandably upset, but realized that her students had never been told that a magnet had the potential to damage the monitors. She wants us to learn from her experience, and either teach our kiddos that magnets + computer screens are a big "no-no", or limit the childrens access to magnets.

Good lesson, Allison. Thanks for sharing! If you have a tip that others would benefit from, please email us!

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