We can hardly believe the end of 2009 is approaching. Yet we know it to be true when we see Barbara Walters and Matt Lauer broadcasting their Year in Review and Most Interesting People of 2009. As we sit down to write our last Tip of the Week for the year 2009, we can't help but think about our own year in review. Among the many things we think about as the highlights of our year, the opportunity to work with so many of you in a myriad of ways certainly rises to the top of ourlist! So, this week we've decided to share a few of the top quotes, notes and words we have been lucky enough to receive from educators across the world this year. Who knows, maybe 'The 2 Sisters Year in Review' will become as popular as Barbara or Matt's.
"It is about time you came out with The CAFE Book! It was getting plain old ugly in my classroom without it!" - Amanda
"After 28 years, this was going to be my last year teaching, now that I started Daily 5, I can't imagine leaving the classroom." —Kris
"I know you are busy, but could you just get the Daily 5 Math book done? I have an observation and need it by Monday." —Julie
"Thanks for the tips on classroom design. I just redid my room and now it is a place I love to come to every day." —Arlene
"Daily 5 saved my life!" —Nicole
"Could you please tell The Sisters thanks for giving us our love for reading and writing back?" —third grader
We will be celebrating Christmas with our families next Friday. We will be back on January 1st with a new tip as well as the start of our registrations for summer workshops. We hope your winter break brings you well-deserved rest, fun and happiness.
Thank you for a wonderful year! The best to you and your families.
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.