What is it that makes the first day of school so special? Is it the smell of freshly waxed floors or shampooed carpets? Or the new crayon tips and empty notebooks? It could be the chance to see friends and meet the teacher. The list of first day experiences could go on and on, but what is it that truly makes the first day stand apart from the rest? This year as my husband and I dropped our son off for his first day of first grade, I was able to see what makes the first day extraordinary. It is the enthusiasm and excitement of students, teachers, school staff, and parents.

When I pulled into the parking lot of my son's school, I could sense the difference. Cars lined the streets, people were friendly, pictures were being taken here and there, and parents and children walked briskly, eager to get in the doors of the school. Inside there were smiles, laughter, and even a few tears (students and parents alike). Teachers stood in the doorways, greeting children with a smile, and children followed directions as curiosity of their new teacher filled their minds. Yes, many of these things happen throughout the year, but the first day is unlike any other day.

As I left my son at school to begin his first grade career, I couldn't help but think of what it would be like if students, teachers, staff, and parents kept that enthusiasm all year long. What if parents put the same effort (as they do on the first day) into preparing their children for school each day? What if students were excited to see everyone, yet worked to make a positive impression on their teacher by modeling "first day behavior" year-round? What if school staff were as friendly and helpful to students and parents daily? And, what if teachers not only greeted students at the door each morning (which many do), but they also had the positive energy and engagement they display in the first week?

I know it cannot be done alone, but we can do our part. As your year begins, think about what it is that makes the first day so special for you and for your students. How can you keep this "specialness" going year-round? What can you do to help your students, their parents, and your co-workers keep their "first-day enthusiasm"?

I recommend taking a picture of your class on the first day. Don't forget to include yourself in the picture! Then, post this picture in your plan book, on the class wall, in a frame on your desk, or anywhere else you see fit. Use this picture as an "in your face" reminder of how eager and enthusiastic your students (and you) were on the first day, and as a motivator to keep it going. Remember, the back-to-school smells, supplies, and friends are important, but it is the enthusiasm and excitement that truly makes the difference.

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.

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