So many things in life are worth repeating:
- favorite books and movies, which become more beloved with each return visit
- words of affirmation, which bless the hearts of those we care about
- exercise, which keeps our bodies strong and healthy
- learning something new, which keeps our minds sharp
We repeatedly provide professional development for educators all over the world because teachers and students are truly the passion of our lives. We are lifelong learners who continually strive to grow and refine our practice.
It bears repeating that the teachers, coaches, and administrators we meet and correspond with inspire us, challenge us, and move us with their dedication to educating and caring for children. This week, our tip focuses on Daily CAFE content that bears repeating. These are pages that our colleagues have found particularly valuable and we want to make sure you know about them as well. We look forward to another year, learning and growing together.
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.