The important question is not how assessment is defined but whether assessment information is used. 
—Palomba & Banta

A few months ago we surveyed our readers in an effort to improve our website. We asked questions about the most frequently used features, the not so frequently used features, and those that fall inbetween. Taking this information, along with the information we have obtained from teachers during our travels, we concentrated our efforts on meeting the needs of our readers. As a result, we are pleased to announce that we will be introducing some amazing new features over the next few weeks. We are so excited to share these wonderful resources with you!

This week we want to introduce you to a new resource designed to assist teachers with assessment of The Daily CAFE strategies. These guides were created as a formative assessment tool to assist teachers in identifying students' strengths and weaknesses as they learn and practice reading strategies. Keep in mind, this resource will provide possible assessment options for each strategy. However, many options exist. It is up to the classroom teacher to be mindful of his/her students and what will best serve their needs.

This new resource, Assessing Student Learning, can be found under each strategy found on the Literacy Strategies page.

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.

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