There is a rhythm to the art of teaching. It's as dependable as the constant change of the seasons themselves. Fall brings the hopeful excitement of a new school year. Pencils with pristine erasers are sharpened and eager to find paper. Books are poised and ready to be shared. Many of them are dog-eared favorites, and some are brand new with stiff pages almost stuck together. Teachers are geared up to "make a difference." Children arrive, and it all begins. Relationships are established while routines and expectations are set. Learning is put in motion, and life begins to get very busy. Each day is exciting but hectic, with a never-ending list of tasks to juggle. Just when it all feels like too much, the holiday break arrives and provides a well-deserved respite.
Winter blows in with the promise of new beginnings. Often, this is the most productive time of year. Everyone is glad to be back in a routine. Maturity is beginning to peek out from behind the ears of those children who need it most. Assessments show, for most of our students, that the hard work throughout the fall is paying off. Winter is also a time to think fresh, outside the box. Continuing to do the same thing with that one child will only get the same results. It can be invigorating to get creative and try something new and different. If there's a shot at having a significant effect on the life of a child, take it.
Spring comes with warm breezes and distracted minds. There is a time change, outdoor sports, and of course, the promise of summer. The children know each other well by now. They have brother/sister relationships, including the ability to push buttons for personal entertainment. All of this can make it challenging to keep focused. On the flip side, the last few months of school are an incredibly sweet time. Much has been accomplished and should be joyously celebrated. Savor the one-of-a-kind moments. Relish this particular community so intentionally built because it will never come together quite this way again.
Summer! The perfect class arrives, only it's inside your head, your imagination, this "dream" class. There are no e-mails, behavior management needs, forms to fill out, meetings to attend, parent conferences, referrals, report cards, fire drills, assemblies, recess duties, lunch counts, books counts, attendance counts, field trips counts, or T-shirt counts. Instead, it's all about teaching! There is even time to read a professional development book or two to elevate your skills. The children are responsive, successful, and grateful that we apply our new learning. Aren't summer classes wonderful?
The teaching profession is like no other. It is true that much is expected, but much is returned as well. We get a front-row seat from which to watch children learn. Laughter, enthusiasm, and fresh outlooks are perks to enjoy. Each new day is another opportunity to share passion for learning and teaching—a gift, if you choose to open it.
There are ebbs and flows within each season. Here's hoping you have the stamina to handle the lows with grace, knowing that they too shall pass. Then embrace, revel, and rejoice in the joy the highs bring. At the end of the day, look for delight in the face of each season. It's there for the taking.
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