... if I had to reduce all of educational psychology to just one principle, I would say this: 'The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly. ?David Ausubel (in Visible Learning for Teachers by John Hattie, 2011, p. 37)
That is truly the heart of differentiation, and it is what we love so much about Daily 5 and CAFE. Because of the structure of Daily 5, our students can read and write independently for extended periods of time, allowing us to participate in one-on-one conferences with students. During these frequent, brief, touch-base meetings with students, we are able to determine what they know now, decide on strategies to help accelerate their progress, and closely monitor their growth.
A conferring notebook helps us do it with intentionality and focus, and ensures that no one?struggling, gifted, or anywhere in between?falls through the cracks. If you have not set up your conferring notebook yet, here are the forms you will need. If you prefer the electronic version, sign up for a membership or a free trial of the ConferringNotebook.com.
We often talk about working smarter, not harder. Daily 5, CAFE, and our conferring help us do just that. We trust that they are making your teaching life more efficient and fulfilling as well.
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