At the end of the day on a gray Thursday afternoon, I did a demonstration lesson in an intermediate classroom. Although I had visited the class before, I anticipated that the students had likely experienced one too many indoor recesses because of inclement weather. I knew that the expectation of after-school sledding, video games, and sports might be racing through their heads; however, I had planned my lesson carefully and hoped to engage the class.

As I started the lesson, I told the girls and boys how happy I was to have a chance to work with them. I announced that I was "really excited" about the book and the target strategy. From a crowded place on the carpet, one of the students looked at me (with no sarcasm intended?only curiosity) and said, "You're really excited about it?" I replied that yes, I was really excited about it?even though I have been teaching a long time, I am eager to share a good book any chance I get. Grateful for this opening, I told the students how special the book was and how the target strategy would truly help them become better readers. Suddenly, his look became more focused. He leaned forward with eagerness. A few of the other students who had stared at me with glazed eyes now looked more lively, too. Clearly, they wanted to share in the excitement?after all, it's human nature!

It was a moment that stayed with me and reinforced my belief in the power of enthusiasm. In my everyday life, when a coworker recommends a fascinating book, a neighbor endorses a new restaurant, or a friend shares a delicious recipe, I am intrigued. Their enthusiasm captivates me?I am eager to experience the same enjoyment, so I want to try it. It's a feeling that is contagious! Each day gives us a new opportunity to catch the power of enthusiasm and to share it with our students and colleagues. Try it tomorrow and see what happens!

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.

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