As I sit down to write this tip, I am struggling. There are a hundred things I want to write about, but I cannot get myself to focus on one solid thought. Five completely different articles are started, but I just haven't had the aha moment I need to select one and push through. Typically I have an idea and can sit down and get out my first draft with ease, but not today. 

What is it that is so different about today? Normally if I am stuck I call Lori, or Gail and talk through a few ideas. A good conversation about our latest classroom experiences can always dismantle a writing block. However, today all three of them are on a plane flying to our next workshop and I won't be joining them until tomorrow. So it is me, myself, and I . . . working through this struggle. 

This challenge is similar to one our students sometimes face. I know a collaborative conversation would get me started, and it makes me think of what they need. When we confer with a writer who is struggling, we are able to talk them through that struggle, giving them the gentle push they need to get over the hump. That just-in-time coaching can make a huge difference in a student's practice and productivity. The great thing is, these conferences don't take long . . . Just a few minutes can encourage writers to get back on track. 

As for my writing hump, thank you for helping me work through it. As a silent audience you "listened" and gave me a teachable moment to write about. 

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.

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