I love this picture because it is a visible symbol of what this second-grade classroom is working on. I am reminded of Carol Dweck's book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success when I see how this teacher believes that students' mindset and how they perceive their abilities plays a key role in their achievement and motivation. By looking at the photo, you can clearly see the language this teacher is using with her students.
Since my first reading of Dweck's book, I have become keenly aware of and am carefully fostering the notion of the power of a growth mindset in students. While reading the book, I was most surprised at the results of Dweck's study of people who might look at their achievements as a result of being "smart" and how this notion of "smart" can actually lead to a less than desirable fixed mindset.
I continue to be fascinated with the language we use with students and have become cautious with the language I use. Admittedly, I cringe when hearing old recordings of my teaching as I labeled student ideas as "smart ideas" or "smart strategies." It really is amazing how once we learn about and pay careful attention to the power of the words we use with children, hearing certain words the way we do can trigger a reaction akin to the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.
In an article by Carol Dweck, published in Education Week, she reflects with a cautionary eye on the message carried by her study. She reiterates that growth mindset is not just about effort. I so appreciate her thoughtful reflection on the potential misconception that we may equate growth mindset with effort. Yes, effort is important for students' achievement, but it's certainly not the only thing. She cautions us to be mindful to not merely praise a student for putting forth effort if that effort doesn't lead to learning.
So what can we do to help promote this important notion of growth mindset in our students? In a recent blog post, Jan Burkins and Kim Yates speak to supporting students with the growth mindset. Jan and Kim point out that students don't immediately understand this concept of fixed and growth mindset, and provide support for how to support children with this learning. In their book Reading Wellness, they actually devote a whole chapter to strategies and books for teaching this important approach.
I cannot help but be hopeful when I think about the many professional resources we have available to teach this powerful concept to our students. I look forward with anticipation to seeing a generation of students grow up with this amazingly powerful language and thinking.
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.