As a former literacy coach, I can speak to the joyful, energizing growth that takes place for both coach and teacher during collaboration. When the teacher/coach relationship is characterized by safety, trust, and respect, open, honest conversations ensue—the willingness to risk and try something new exists—and reflection and revision leads to best practice.

I wish, given the potential of these relationships, that every school had a coach who could serve as a colleague—modeling and supporting, cheering and encouraging—yet I know this will probably never be a reality. That's one reason we have decided to bring coaching to you right here at The Daily CAFE. Once a month, members of our team will host live webinars on various topics for our All-Access and All-Access Plus members.

The first three are already planned and scheduled.

  • Annotating Your Reading—Getting the Most from Professional Books: Gail—June 18
  • Using Favorite Picture Books for Strategy Instruction: Lori—July 25
  • 3 Resources to Successfully Launch Daily 5: Allison—August 14

We hope you can join us, whether for one or all of them.

We are better together.

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