I saw the date on the calendar, paused for a moment, and thought, How can it be August? It feels like summer just started. Seems like yesterday that I wrote down all I wanted to accomplish during these few weeks, and just like that, it's time to plan for a new school year.
We are all busy, as busy as we choose to be—or let ourselves be. But right in the midst of the day-to-day busyness and looking ahead, let's slow these days down to savor every moment. Let's pause, reconnect, and recalibrate where we are by asking ourselves these questions:
- What was my overarching goal for this summer?
- Have I made steps toward it?
- Am I reaching a goal that I didn't even know I needed to?
- What can I celebrate?
Sometimes the best-laid plans are just that: plans laid out in front of us to give us a path. In the moment, we need to be aware enough to forge another path, or to pivot, based on where we are and what needs to happen. Being able to pivot is the key to moving forward.
As we review what we have done so far this summer, let's be thankful that a little pivot may enable us to go beyond what we'd dreamed and planned. And let's give ourselves grace to rejoice and to celebrate all that we have accomplished.
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.