In four short days a full decade comes to an end and we begin life in the 2020s. A new year is often associated with our thinking about committing to a resolution of some sort to start the year off right. It's a great idea and many people get on board, but it's also safe to say that many get off board just as quickly. It is hard to change a habit, especially when we are trying to do it because it's a new year and not because we have an internal need to make a change.
The other day I had lunch with a friend who was wearing a small bracelet that read patience. I asked her to tell me about her bracelet and she said, "That is my word for 2019." She explained that resolutions never quite work for her, so at the beginning of the year, instead of a resolution, she chose a word to center on that would help direct and calm her. One she could refer to when making decisions, and keep as a general focus throughout the year. A word that would help push her to do better and be better. I had heard of this before, but seeing her bracelet and hearing her explain it made a lot of sense. She went on to tell me that it has helped her a lot and she plans to have a new word for 2020.
I could relate to this, because each time the Daily CAFE team meets, we conclude with a word for what we got out of the meeting and where our intentions lie. These words often inspire, uplift, and cause us to push forward. We thought, Why not do the same for our lives for the year? We decided to do just that, and we encourage you to do the same! We shared our words in the picture above if you're looking for a little inspiration.
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.