Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one, except February alone, which has twenty-eight rain or shine, except for leap year, twenty-nine.
For centuries this traditional mnemonic has been referenced as a way to remember the irregularity of the yearly calendar. The final phrase is often left out, except in years to which it applies. The year 2020 is one of those years, and tomorrow is that day: leap day.
Every four years we are given an extra 24 hours to enhance our yearly goals. Some consider it "just another day," whereas others take notice and celebrate its infrequency. This year as I discussed this unusual day with a kindergarten student, I found myself taking note of the opportunity to make use of the extra time—1440 minutes to be exact. Here is how the conversation went:
Nolen: Mrs. Behne, did you see that our calendar has 29 days? Usually there are 28 days in February, but this year we have an extra day.
Me: Yes, that's right! It only happens every four years.
Nolen: What are you going to do with your extra day?
Me: I haven't thought about it. What are you going to do?
Nolen: I'm not sure, but I think it's cool, so I want to make sure I do something really fun. I can play outside in the snow. I can watch a movie. I can play with Legos. Oh, and think of how many books I can read in a day!
Before my conversation with Nolen, I hadn't thought about the extra day as being anything special. It's not like a day gets added to the workweek or weekend; it just pushes 2021 off an extra day. However, Nolen's excitement was obvious in his voice and smile, and he really was on to something.
The year 2020 has an extra 24 hours, or 1440 minutes for us to fill. How we choose to fill it is up to us. That time can be absorbed in the regular routine of the day, or we can follow Nolen's lead and make a conscious effort to make good use of the additional time. Looking for ideas? Here are some to get your creativity flowing:
- Read an extra 10 minutes a day for 144 days.
- Volunteer two hours a month.
- Exercise an extra 30 minutes a week.
- Spend four minutes a day on a gratitude journal.
No matter how we look at it, in 2020 we have the opportunity of an extra day. Let's make it count.
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.