I usually reach this time of year feeling a huge sense of accomplishment. Every school year has unique challenges, but I always love making it to the last day of school knowing that I gave it my all. This year I have really struggled because I do not feel the same sense of accomplishment. Teachers have high expectations of themselves. We know what our students need, and we work tirelessly to do everything we can for each child.
It is hard to feel great about ending a year when we have been away from our students. Like every other teacher, I wanted to give more. I wanted to be shoulder to shoulder with my students, encouraging and supporting them daily in our classroom over the last several months.
So, I had two options: wallow in disappointment or recognize what I have accomplished. This year I became a YouTube, Screencastify, Zoom expert. I made countless videos to teach the mini-lessons I wanted to teach in person. I showed up daily on Zoom with a positive attitude, ready to encourage my students and support them. I have been flexible and patient. I spent time one-on-one and in small groups online. I did not spend the last several months in my classroom, but I did everything I could to support my class remotely.
If you have struggled with similar thoughts, you might want to take a second to think about all the ways you have been creative, flexible, and supportive of your students. You might need to remind yourself that none of us chose a pandemic and yet we persisted. We crossed the finish line.
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.