What is it about a good cup of coffee in the morning? I wish I could tell you, but I don't care for coffee. Ha ha. What a way to start an inspirational tip.

But seriously, there is major hype around having a good cup of coffee to start the day, and I want to know, what is it about a cup of coffee in the morning?

My parents have always found great joy in their morning cup of coffee. So have my husband, best friend, sister, and brothers. I would say a large majority of adults await their first taste of this hot beverage at the start of the day. What started for many as a quest for energy has become more than a boost of "get-up-and-go"; it is a consistent routine providing comfort. That's what it is: consistency, routine, comfort, habit . . .

Ah . . . now I am starting to understand. Morning coffee has such a reputation because of the mass numbers of people who make it part of their routine, but for others it might be a morning soda or smoothie, a workout, or even time to read or write. It's not just about the coffee; it's also about the comfort of routine.

For our students, our classroom morning routine might be their "cup of joe." We have the ability to make or break how they start their day. A warm greeting, joyful smile, clean workspace, pleasant aroma, cheerful conversation, good book . . . Those things are all part of a routine that creates a special comfort level for students. Our students should look forward to being greeted with a warm welcome and smile, be able to experience consistency in the first minutes of their morning, and feel a sense of comfort they can depend on.

A person's morning routine sets the course for their day. We can't control the routine our students start their day with at home, but we do have the opportunity to provide a consistent, dependable, comfortable routine for them when they enter our classroom.

When I asked my dad why he enjoys a good cup of coffee in the morning, he said, "It's part of my routine. However, a ‘good' cup of coffee is different from just a cup of coffee. I would say it's rare to find a ‘good' cup of coffee, but when you do, you enjoy every sip."

Let's make an effort to be the "rare" when it comes to our morning classroom routine—or even better yet, let's spread the word so a "good" morning routine becomes the norm in classrooms everywhere. What do you do to create a welcoming, comfortable atmosphere for your students in the morning? How are you their "cup of joe"?

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.