Humans have learned about their humanity through story for thousands of years. Originally, story was shared orally; later it was also shared through written language. Story is a powerful opportunity to learn about different paths, different human experiences, and the natural consequences people live with after making a variety of decisions.

The other night after practice, my 13-year-old daughter and I had a special moment. There is something important about the car ride when parenting preteens and teens. When you least expect it, they open up and tell you what they are really dealing with. It is essential to listen . . . really listen. My daughter was upset about an unexpected encounter with a friend. She had carried the negative emotional weight all day and needed to unload. She needed to talk, to cry, and to breathe as she let out her frustration.

We sat in the garage for an hour while she unloaded. At one point she looked at me and said, "Mom, I feel exactly like Raina in Smile. My heart was racing and my stomach hurt, but not food hurt—it hurt because my feelings were hurt." (As a literacy advocate I wanted to cheer and celebrate my effective efforts to teach my daughter the love of reading, but this moment wasn't about me.) She added, "I felt anxious all day, and it was awful."

My daughter read Smile over and over when she was in elementary school, and it proudly remains on her bookshelf in all of its tattered, dog-eared glory. Although she hasn't picked it up recently, the story left an indelible mark on her heart. She was able to connect with her own humanity and verbalize her feelings because of Smile. Even more powerful, she was able to talk through what happened and we made a plan to move forward. She recognized that she could feel anxious but is not defined by a feeling.

Why read? There are many reasons, but on this particular day the reason that comes to my mind is that it teaches a 13-year-old girl that she can identify her feelings, gain control of her emotions, and feel empowered to be at peace with herself . . . and that is all the reason I need.

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