Today is the day. Day 13,505—37 years as a teacher, coach, and administrator will draw to a close as the final out is recorded at the baseball game tonight.

I've experienced a lot.

I've celebrated.

I've agonized.

I've laughed.

I've cried.

I've learned a lot.

Here are five (of many) simple lessons I've learned in the past 13,504 days.

Be as consistent as you can in your decision making.

It's a given that not everyone will like every decision, but I found that if I could strive for consistency and treating people and programs consistently, I could feel good about what I was doing. Be consistent with your demeanor, your attitude, and your effort too.

Be patient.

You don't have to respond right away or rush into potentially big decisions. It's okay to say, "I don't know yet, but I'll find out and get right back with you." Make sure you get back with the person, though. Fake it till you make it is not a good recipe for leadership.

Show empathy and grace.

We all need it, and we all need to give more of it. I felt my leadership move to another level when I offered more grace and less judgment. I felt my personal relationships improve as well.

Think long term.

Not short term. Be a visionary and develop a plan to get there. The journey isn't always easy, nor is the path always straight, but it is worth it. Every step is a step closer to where you want to be. Believe in the process.

And, the biggest and best lesson I have learned and grown to appreciate . . .

Be intentional about the moments.

Cherish the moments. Don't take them for granted. Help others experience their moments too. If you can learn to do that, the impact you have on those around you will be powerful.

I am thankful for the lessons. All of them. The good lessons and the hard lessons. They have all helped me be better.

Embrace every day, every moment. They will all add up to a wonderful life-changing experience.

I have been blessed and am grateful for 13,504 days. Here's to number 13,505 today.

I'm cheering for you and your day today too.

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