Part of what I decided to do this fall was help out with an officiating shortage and officiate volleyball.
The other night I worked with a veteran official who works more college volleyball than high school. He was also a college volleyball coach for a number of years.
We talked during and after the match, and he helped make me better at officiating. The way he did it was a good lesson for all of us.
Here is how he did it:
He asked if he could share some pointers. I thought that was really thoughtful. He didn't push them on me. I have experienced the other way, too, where someone just offers their opinion uninvited, and it can lead to a negative experience.
He shared in a kind way with compliments. He found some positives and then offered some areas to improve on after that.
He shared his knowledge. He obviously had experience and extensive knowledge of the game of volleyball and shared it with me.
I had already worked with an official this season who had more knowledge than me but didn't share any of it. Another lesson perhaps for another day.
This positive lesson happened, though, because I believe steps one and two were done before step three.
I hope this helps you in some small way as you continue to lead and live with those around you. It did me.
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.