When planning, what we want them to know and do has been foremost in our minds for good reason. Students who understand the purpose of a lesson are more engaged and can take ownership of their learning.
I have been perseverating over another component that might be equally important. When I am finished with the lesson and they are finished with the practice or work, what do I want them to love? I am wondering if this might add a depth to the lesson that will nourish the lifelong learner in all of us.
Some examples:
Know: There is a simple way to determine if a book is a good fit.
Do: Use I PICK to self-select books for Read to Self.
Love: I love choosing my own books and having time to read them to myself at school, home, or anywhere.
Know: Authors begin a story in a variety of ways: with description, dialogue, a thought, a feeling, an action, a question, even a sound.
Do: Take a piece of my writing and try two different beginnings. Read them to myself and see which one I like better.
Love: I love how playing with different leads helps me create an even stronger beginning.
Know: Drawings can help me solve addition and subtraction problems.
Do: Use drawings and equations to solve addition and subtraction problems within 20.
Love: I love that I can make sense out of problems with sketches and persevere until I solve them.
Am I on to something? Have you already been doing this forever? I can tell you that just thinking about what I want my students to love has added new meaning and purposefulness to my lessons. I wish we could have coffee together so we could chat about what it looks like in all our rooms. What do you want your students to love?
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