"Kiss your brain." You might hear this in our classroom when someone shares something that makes us all go "wow." That student typically smiles with pleasure, kisses their fingertips, and touches their forehead to give their brain a "kiss." When they do, we all feel a little surge of happiness.

Happy brains are important to us, and it is interesting to learn about the chemicals that foster happiness and how we can trigger their release.

Dopamine—the reward chemical. This is released when we complete a task, achieve a goal, play an instrument, draw, eat delicious food, or have a good conversation.

Oxytocin—the love hormone. Oxytocin is activated when we play with or care for a pet or other animal, hold hands, hug, or pay someone a genuine, specific compliment.

Endorphins—the painkillers. These are stimulated by exercise, music, and laughter.

Serotonin—the mood stabilizer. We can trigger this important chemical with mindfulness, exposure to the sun, and nature.

During my 26 years in education, curriculum, rigor, and testing have increasingly crowded out the activities that nurture these happy chemicals. But if we have happy brains in mind, we won't feel guilty if we provide a musical brain break, take students on a playground stroll to soak in sunshine and listen to birdsong, or lead an afternoon's art lesson. We won't hesitate to pause in a one-on-one conference to be completely present with a student for a minute more, then offer a genuine and specific compliment about their reading, writing, efforts, and growth.

We will celebrate small tasks completed as well as big goals achieved. And we won't hesitate to read hilarious books that give us all a chance to erupt in laughter and deeply breathe in all the happiness in the room.

If you haven't already done so today, kiss your brain.

Phase 2 of Prepared Classroom PLUS is a day of live online training!

Choose from June 26, July 20, August 2, or August 16, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. PT.

You will complete Phase 1 independently, Phase 2 live online, Phase 3 independently and Phase 4 provides a years worth of implementation support!

Read all about it here!

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