A few weeks ago, Lori Sabo wrote a Tip titled "Better Beginnings." Her message centered on the idea that when we know better, we do better. That is so true! As teachers and lifelong learners we are always taking in new information, and sometimes this new learning challenges old thinking and requires a shift in what we previously knew to be true. It can be hard to change—to accept new practices and current research that may conflict with our previous practices—but it is necessary to provide the best possible instruction for our students.

Here at Teach Daily, we are continually researching, learning, observing, applying, and practicing to be sure that what we share is tried and true. We fully believe that it is our responsibility to share information that is true, that is evidence based, and that we can fully stand behind because we have applied it in our practice.

We spend a large amount of time engaged in learning and practice. This leads us to continually reflect and refine as needed. Often these changes in our practice are minor, but sometimes they are significant. That is where we currently sit—in the significant category. Let us explain:

What kind of changes are we talking about? Well, let's start with the Accuracy goal in the CAFE Menu. The second edition of The CAFE Book was published in 2020, and we are so very proud of the work and the changes put into it. And, since the publication, what we know to be true about best practice in accuracy instruction has evolved. We are sure you are aware of the debates, conversations, research, and publications about The Science of Reading. It has become a conversation in education that many people are very passionate about. We are as well. Just like you, we want what is best for the children we teach.

And here is what we know about our teaching and CAFE:

CAFE does not replace your reading and phonics instruction. It is there to enhance that instruction and make that learning visible for students while helping you and your students set goals and keep track of student learning.

The four goals of CAFE have not changed. To be a reader, a person needs comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and vocabulary.

The CAFE Menu is flexible. The strategies included are a springboard for teachers and can be used as is, replaced, or removed to meet the needs of your students.

The accuracy strategies in the CAFE Menu have been updated to reflect our most current research and practice. Some strategies are gone altogether, some are new, and others have been adapted.

The second edition of The CAFE Book still supports our practice and learning, and the updated accuracy strategies are available at TheDailyCAFE.com. Having a voluminous website that we can update daily is an advantage for our continual learning and to keep everyone current.

This week we invite you to visit the Interactive CAFE Menu on our website and view the work we have done under the goal of Accuracy. Of course, keep in mind it is a work in progress. But, we couldn't wait until it was all finished. We wanted to share it as soon as possible.

We are so excited to share this update! As you continue to read the Tip in coming weeks, you will read about the changes in our trainings, the shift from Word Work to Word Study, and more.

Thank you for joining us on this important journey of doing what is best for children. Together, we are making a difference!

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.