"You would love it here. They work super hard, care a ton, and have high expectations. And you are going to LOVE their vision."

That was the response I received when I checked in with a longtime friend/colleague who moved to a new leadership position in a different district.

The vision?

"Providing quality education, EVERY day in EVERY classroom for EVERY child." Simple reminders abound wherever she looks, via adults wearing shirts that read "Every."

And she was right. I do love it.

It isn't too lofty, and it isn't idealistic. When we take time to build behaviors of independence, students can be trusted to work, striving toward individual goals, and we are able to come alongside them to provide the instruction they need.

Most of us are in the early stages of establishing expectations, routines, and building a thriving classroom culture. May I remind us all (myself included) to take our time and not hurry through this important phase of the school year. Right now, we are doing the essential work of building relationships and getting to know every child. That is the foundation that will let every one of us fulfill the vision above, whether it is officially ours or not.

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.