At the beginning of each school year, I find myself working hard to have my classroom, schedule, plans, meetings, lessons, activities, and more be as near perfect as possible. I look at my colleagues' rooms and the many teachers' posts on the internet, and they seem to be all ready. I want that, too! Because in my mind, when everything goes smoothly, then both my students' and my year starts off right. So, I push and plan and often find myself with a long to-do list and a short amount of time.

This year was no different to start. Then, as I was organizing books in my daughter's new classroom (she is a first-year teacher), she asked a question. I heard her, but I wasn't really listening. She waited for an answer and then asked again, to which I replied, "I'm sorry, what did you say?" She repeated it a third time, and I sat there trying to process her question.

Hearing that I had to process her question might make you think she'd asked something deep and important. Nope. She'd asked me how many tubs of books I had left to organize. Not a hard question to answer at all—unless, that is, you are doing one thing, thinking of another, and trying to process something different. It was at that moment that I became acutely aware that my mind and feet were not in the same place.

That wasn't the first time this has happened, but it was the first time I took a moment to assess why it happened. It can be easy to get going with a long list of things to do, and lose track of time and focus. And, when that happens, no one wins. I realize if my goal is to have the year start right and go smoothly, I need to be present. I need my mind and feet to be in the same place at the same time. This requires me to slow down, hit the Pause button from time to time, and prioritize. Not everything has to be done and planned and "perfect" for our students. Instead, clear communication, consistency, and focused attention in the moment will get us off to the smooth start we so desperately desire.

So, this year may have started like the others, but it has taken a turn for the better (in my opinion). I have set a goal to have my mind and feet in the same place at the same time. I realize that when I feel stressed or short on time, it can often be remedied by redirecting my attention to where my feet are and moving forward from there. It is something I can control and will make a difference for both me and my students.

Three notes of interest:

Did you take our quick 4 question survey to give your input about in-person locations for live PD in 2024? We would love it if you would! Take the survey.

We have added new, online live dates to the Prepared Classroom 365 PLUS training. Take a look and see if one of the dates works for you!

Are you a Coach? We have a few seats available in our twelve week coaching intensive that starts September 18. Register now to save your spot.

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.