Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up.

You may receive small gifts from students, like chocolate, coffee, or, most prized—a handwritten note or art. Parents or the PTA may share cookies or serve lunch.

It will be a chance for you to soak in much-deserved appreciation from wherever it may come.

We also have an opportunity to appreciate each other. Have you heard of The 5 Languages of Appreciation in The Workplace? Gary Chapman and Paul White wrote the book as a very successful spinoff of The 5 Love Languages. I like it because the languages cost almost nothing and are a perfect way to show your teammates how thankful you are for them.

Words of affirmation—A note or word of praise for efforts, support, or what you appreciate about them will nourish the soul of your colleagues who love others this way.

Quality time—A few moments of undivided attention may fill the bucket of a teammate. Checking in when someone has a hard day, helping plan or reflect on a lesson, or having enough self-control not to multitask during a PLC meeting speaks loudly of how we value others.

Acts of service—Would your partner feel appreciated if you took out their recycle bin? Helped put up or take down a bulletin board? I will never forget how loved I felt when Gail came from her school to mine to help me set up my first-grade classroom many years ago.

Gifts—Teachers with this primary language are going to feel appreciated when they find sticky notes and a new felt-tip pen in their mailbox. You can tell who these people are because they swoon over swag at conferences, professional development sessions, or staff meetings.

Physical touch—Okay, it is the workplace, so we aren't going to hold hands and skip down the hall, but we can get brave enough to shake hands again (post-pandemic), give a high five, fist bump, or add a little fun to the day by creating a secret handshake with our colleagues.

A school culture characterized by the above all year, not just a week in May, will be a thriving one.

We want to recognize your efforts with a few small gestures based on four of the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace. (As much as we want to give you all a hug, that would be a little hard!)

Words of Affirmation: Visit us on Instagram (@the_daily_cafe) and Facebook (@thedailycafe) to get (and give others) encouragement throughout the week.

Acts of Service: Use our May themed writing paper to add a little flair to your students' writing this week.

Quality Time: Join us here for a casual conversation on Wednesday, May 8, at 7 p.m. EST.

Gift: Join us for our popular Relationship course (a $50 value). Sign up by May 10 for two-week complimentary access to a course that will help you build and sustain relationships all year long.

You are a deeply appreciated part of the Teach Daily community.

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.