We both remember those early days of teaching: the excitement, the nervous energy, and, of course, the constant search for the right resources to help create a positive, effective classroom environment. We had our passions to match our plans and our enthusiasm.But like many teachers, we quickly realized that keeping a class engaged, focused, and well managed was a whole challenge of its own. Over time, we each discovered techniques and strategies that worked, but we couldn’t help but think—Why didn’t we have a resource that laid it all out from day one?

That thought stayed with us, and now, after years in the classroom, we’ve compiled everything we’ve learned into our upcoming book, Prepared Classroom: Ready to Teach, Ready to Learn. This book is a practical guide filled with lessons that make it easier for teachers, both new and experienced, to establish classroom expectations and routines that truly work. Whether you’re just starting or have years under your belt, we believe these strategies can be a game changer in creating a thriving, distraction-free learning environment.

Here’s a look at who we wrote this book for and why.

For Early Career Teachers

If you’re in your first few years, we know how overwhelming it can feel to balance content, classroom management, and daily routines. We created this book to help take some of that pressure off by giving you predesigned lessons tailored to teach classroom expectations. Rather than leaving students to guess or constantly reminding them what they need to be doing, these lessons make expectations clear from the start. With this structure in place, your students can focus on learning without the distractions of uncertain routines, freeing their minds (and yours) to dive into meaningful, engaging work.

For Experienced Teachers

No matter how long you’ve been teaching, setting up routines at the beginning of the year is essential. We’ve both experienced the need to refresh our plans every year, even after decades in the classroom. This book was written with that in mind: It’s here to help you quickly and effectively set the tone for a successful year. And if you’re mentoring new teachers, Prepared Classroom serves as a comprehensive tool to guide them in the same approach. With everyone on the same page, expectations across classrooms become consistent, creating a seamless experience for students and building a cohesive school culture.

For School Leaders

If you’re an administrator, you know the impact a structured, evidence-based approach to classroom management can have. With this book, teachers have a go-to resource for setting routines and expectations that align with proven practices. The consistent use of these methods across grade levels results in confident, engaged students and fewer daily disruptions. School leaders can count on Prepared Classroom to support teachers at every level, helping them establish a positive learning environment that’s both structured and flexible.

For Pre-Service Teachers

Our motivation for writing this book came partly from a conversation with a pre-service teacher who asked us, “How do I teach routines that keep the focus on learning instead of behavior?” This book is our answer. It provides new teachers with a foundation of lessons they can use to build a supportive, engaged classroom from the very start. Instead of scrambling to figure out what to do, pre-service teachers can walk in ready to teach, knowing they have a plan for establishing routines and expectations that support real learning.

For College Professors

When we wrote Prepared Classroom, we had future teachers in mind as much as those currently in the field. We know that professors are preparing their students for the complexities of the classroom, and this book can be a valuable addition to their toolkit. Prepared Classroom offers a structured, evidence-based guide to help pre-service teachers manage student behavior and foster engagement right from the beginning, giving them the confidence and energy they’ll need to focus on content and connection with their students.

Why We Wrote This Book

We believe that every teacher deserves a classroom where students know what’s expected, routines run smoothly, and engagement is at its highest. We designed these lessons with teachers in mind, hoping they’ll bring confidence, consistency, and joy to classrooms everywhere. Whether you’re just starting out or have been teaching for years, Prepared Classroom is here to support you in creating an environment where students can focus, engage, and grow.

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.