Takes the guesswork out of creating consistent, clear classroom expectations. This book is filled with predesigned lessons specifically created to set routines in place, so you're free to focus on the why behind each strategy. It's all about helping students understand what's expected and when, freeing up their minds to engage with the actual learning.
The Prepared Classroom approach is about the how of teaching and learning. It is everything you do beyond the curriculum to set your students and yourself up for the most effective and joyful teaching and learning experience possible.
Prepared Classroom amplifies the best of Daily 5 and CAFE while evolving with the latest research and evidence based practices found in the most effective teaching and learning.
We start with building solid relationships before the school year even begins, and we continue employing intentional relationship building strategies throughout the year. It's never too late!
We are deliberate and purposeful in planning our classroom environments. We avoid over the top visual noise, and center the design around student creation, charts we build with students, and student learning.
We establish rock solid routines using explicit instruction, and then we revisit expectations when necessary (or when behavior challenges start to bubble up.) We take the time to save time.
We build independent and collaborative engagement and while students are transferring their learning, we confer one-on-one and meet with small groups based on what they need, not level.
As we confer with students we assess and set individual goals that we talk with them about. We make learning visible to accelerate student achievement and provide access to learning all year long. We record the information in a conferring notebook, and let them know when we will talk with them again.
Our whole group lessons are brief and focused on one or two teaching points.
When you put these practices in place, you will have a system that provides consistency in management, teaching, planning, assessing, and relationship building so that you can make the biggest impact on your students.
Each of the practices in Prepared Classroom are supported by research and best practice. As teachers we know that everything we do makes a difference, but we want to make sure that what we are doing has the greatest positive impact on our students' growth and achievement. Cross check our practices to the variables in Professor John Hattie's research, and you will see that our practices measure up!
For educators that need a refresher on a part of the system or want to learn the system over time, try taking the eight courses individually. Buy a single course.