A vivid and amusing recollection came to mind recently of placing my grandson on a colorful blanket for some tummy time. He wasn't quite mobile yet, so I lured him to crawl by placing tempting toys just out of reach. With eyes locked on the target, he sprang into baby action. He worked hard, but his technique was lacking and resulted in an amusing backward scoot.

Although it is easy to identify why our little guy didn't initially reach his goal, it is more complicated to figure out why our classroom goals elude us. Sometimes, we too have the best of intentions, eyes locked on state/district targets, and put in a valiant effort only to feel that the goals, like a mirage, are frustratingly out of reach.

Goals elude us for several reasons. Sometimes we are working with late bloomers, who will blossom according to their own inner timetable. Sometimes we are dealing with issues beyond our control, like trauma, inconsistent attendance, learning disabilities, or behavior challenges.

But as with our baby, it may be the strategies and techniques that are inefficient, and we would do well to honestly reflect and revise based on what we discover.

Our little guy worked hard, but his technique wasn't right. The same thing happens in classrooms if, instead of directing the use of resources, we let resources direct us. If we blindly follow a curriculum from day 1 through day 180, it is a bit like giving every plant in the garden the same amount of water and fertilizer, and then watching in frustration when some fail to thrive.

Resources don't know our students. We do. Therein lies the beauty and efficiency of Daily 5 and CAFE. Whole-group, small-group, and individual instruction is student-driven instead of program-driven. We get to know our students via solid assessments and through frequent one-on-one conferring, then strategically and intentionally use resources to meet needs. We provide them with extended periods of time to practice, refine their skills, and grow in ways that make targets not just meetable, but beatable. How hopeful and gratifying it is to know that our efforts can result in that successful end.

This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.