Spring break . . .
Spring parent conferences . . .
Revisiting your classroom expectations (including Daily 5 procedures!) as behaviors escalate and stamina decreases . . .
Report cards . . .
Open house . . .
The end of the school year . . .
As a school principal, I sense the fatigue from our students, their families, and staff as we bear down and make our way toward these important markers.
I'm reading Steven Pressfield's The War of Art, and he's got words for us that are apropos for this time of the school year:
"The danger is greatest when the finish line is in sight. . . . The professional must be alert . . . Be wary at the end. . . . Creative work is . . . a gift to the world and every being in it. Give us what you've got."
All of your work as the professional is a gift to your students, their families, and your teammates. Wishing these challenges away or merely checking off boxes means we miss opportunities for learning and connection.
Furthermore, it's okay to think things are hard or not your favorite things to do. We know that failing to acknowledge hardships can have a detrimental effect on our mental health.
Teachers and school leaders, take care and stay the course... even through the myriad of critical tasks this time of year, all the way to the end. Your students, their families, and your teammates need you!
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.