Learn Prepared Classroom

Get the confidence and skills you need to be prepared for whatever comes your way in the classroom!

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Learn Prepared Classroom

Purchase includes access to all included resources for 180 days.



What's Included

You'll receive 8 courses + 2 memberships

This online and on-demand training is broken up into 8 segments (courses) to maximize your time to achieve effective and efficient learning. Each segment is approximately an hour in length with built in breaks so you can be the most efficient with your learning.

Access for 180 days
Access for 180 days
Access for 180 days
Access for 180 days
Access for 180 days
Access for 180 days
Access for 180 days
Access for 180 days
Access for 180 days
Access for 180 days

PLUS Twice monthly Q&A sessions with a Teach Daily expert


What you'll learn

These Prepared Classroom practices—along with competent, capable teachers that have high expectations for student learning—make the difference for students.

The end result? A classroom of engaged students that are excited to learn!


Why every teacher needs this

If any of these resonate with you, then Prepared Classroom is just what you need.

I struggle to find the time to do all that is asked of me.
When I meet with small groups or confer one-on-one, I want to make sure the rest of the students are independently or collaboratively transferring their learning.
My required standards and materials don’t always work with the reality of what my students need.
Some days I feel as if I spend more time dealing with student behavior than I do teaching.
I want to assess and set goals with students to make sure they are each getting the differentiated instruction they deserve.
I want to make sure that I am teaching in the best way for every student to meet and exceed their potential.


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