Know the rules, follow some, smile, and be effective. —Gail Boushey
I (Joan) was in a bind this week. I was preparing to leave town and hadn't received needed prescriptions from my mail prescriptive program. Since I needed to fill them before leaving, I physically went to the two doctors offices where I'd received them to see if they could help. The two responses I received were vastly different.
"I'm sure we can help you, let me see what I can do!"
"I'm sorry Joan, but we have rules so I can not help you."
As I drove home, I thought about the way my situation was handled in each office and how the different responses made me feel. In one, I felt like a criminal, trying to get away with something untoward. In the other, I felt valued and respected, as if my needs truly mattered to the staff.
It brought to mind the above quote, which I've heard Gail say over and over again in the years we've taught together. At times, when our districts have mandated things we knew were not in the best interest of all our students, she simply smiled and suggested we work within the system on behalf of our students.
We have a serious responsibility to our employers, but a grave one to our students. In order for them to leave their time with us feeling valued, we have to meet their individual needs. If we meet their individual needs, we will be effective. And if we are effective, our employers will be happy. Sometimes that means following the rules. Sometimes it means knowing the rules, smiling, closing the door, and providing the service that gets results.
That's why I love that sister of mine!
This article might be missing links that were included at the time of publication.