Getting Started with Conferring


Build the routine of conferring into your day, and you and your students will reap the rewards of your brief, purposeful time together.



You may not think conferring one-on-one with students is important to fit into your day, but those that do, and keep notes on those sessions . . .

Build stamina more quickly in their classrooms
Create a point of conversation that can be entered into at any time
Know their students on a deep level as readers.
Can easily access records of what they have taught and what students have learned
Know that they are valuable for keeping behavior challenges at bay

Conferring is a gift you give yourself and your students. Getting Started with Conferring will help you build the routine of conferring into your day so that it becomes second nature for both teacher and student.


Do you want the knowledge and skills to confer with your students every day?

In this course, you will learn . . .

the importance of conferring
two ways to keep track of student goals and progress
how to keep conferences brief
the elements of both a behavior conference and an informative quick check, and the purpose of each


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