Independent and Collaborative Learning


Teach your students the behaviors of independent and collaborative learning and you will have a classroom full of engaged, successful students!



If you aren't teaching your students how to be engaged learners and giving them 20 to 30 minutes each day to read books of their choosing . . .

They probably are not getting enough reading time into their day (can we say with certainty they are getting it at home?)
They are not developing that lifetime love of books that we hope they do
They are not engaged in reading and learning
When they are reading, they let distractions get in the way or they are reading a book that doesn't fit them
You will have no time to meet with students individually or in small groups (or if you do, what are students doing? Is it authentic?)

You want your students to develop a lifelong love of reading! Independent and Collaborative Learning will help you get them there. You will learn how to better support our students in becoming engaged, independent, and collaborative learners.


Do you want more time to spend conferring one-on-one and in small groups?

In this course, we will learn . . .

what it means for students to be engaged
how to prepare students for engagement
how to teach students to self-assess and monitor their engagement when working both independently and collaboratively
strategies students can use to re-engage when engagement breaks down


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